It’s important for drivers to recognize when they need to have their vehicles serviced. Car overheating, without a doubt, warrants a trip to the auto repair shop, or you risk damaging your vehicle to the point of no return. If a vehicle’s radiator goes bad, then it could have an impact on the entire car, for if an engine isn’t able to stay cool, it can lead to other problems, including transmission failure. Read on for more information about what to do if your car is:
• Overheating
• How to identify a radiator leak
• Getting a radiator repair
Possibilities for Your Car Overheating
As soon as your temperature gauge inches closer to the red or the temperature warning light goes off, you can bet that you are having cooling system issue which is likely resulting from a radiator leak. These leaks are usually caused by two major sources:
• Crack in the radiator
• Radiator hose
Secondly, if you notice green liquid residue underneath your vehicle don’t hesitate to get your radiator inspected so that the mechanic can diagnose where the crack in the radiator has taken place to cause the leak. This is important because if you catch the leak early enough to where it isn’t too large, the mechanic can possibly repair the radiator by placing a patch over it or switching out the broken part for a new one. To prevent the radiator hose from being the source of the radiator leak, it is important to replace radiator hoses on a regular basis.
More on Radiator Leaks & Radiator Repair
Despite the smoke that an overheating car emits, it won’t cause your car to blow up or put you in any danger. Still, an overheating engine can do some serious damage to your vehicle and your wallet. As soon as you notice that your car is overheating, pull over immediately. Continuing to drive can worsen whatever the issue may be and could cost you pricey auto repairs in the long run. Additionally, you’ll want to turn off the air conditioner when your car overheats because it puts stress on your engine. Instead, put your heater on to release some of the extra heat from the engine to assist in cooling it down. In turn, your radiator fan and water pump will operate quicker, pushing more air and water through your vehicle’s radiator.
We Can Fix All of Your Car Overheating Problems
In the case of an overheating issue, do not stall in getting it checked out! It’s easy to ignore the issue and hope that it magically gets better, however that is simply not realistic. Additionally, solving the issue could be as simple as sealing up the leak, which will prevent more significant issues later down the road. We have skilled technicians that are trained to service vehicles with overheating problems. Our technicians will properly diagnose precisely what’s faulty in your radiator and give you professional advice on how to move forward with repairs. Give us a call or come visit us today to ensure that your vehicle is not in jeopardy of overheating!